7ft vs 8ft Pool Tables – What Size Ball Do You Need? – Are you stuck trying to decide between a 7ft or 8ft pool table? It can be a tricky decision to make, as there are a few factors to consider. Do you have enough space in your home to accommodate an 8ft table? Will a 7ft table be enough for you and your family’s needs? And what size ball do you need for each table? In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between 7ft and 8ft pool tables to help you make an informed decision. Generally speaking, 8′ tables (8′ x 4′) are considered ‘professional’ size, whereas 7′ tables (7′ x 3’6”) are considered ‘bar’ size. We’ll also look at the various features and benefits of each size, so you can decide which one is the best choice for you. So, if you’re looking for answers to your questions about 7ft and 8ft pool tables, keep reading!

is a 7ft or 8ft pool table better?

If you’re looking to buy a pool table, you might be wondering if a 7ft or 8ft pool table is better. The answer to this question depends on a few different factors, including the size of your room and the type of play you’re looking for. Generally speaking, 8′ tables (8′ x 4′) are considered ‘professional’ size, whereas 7′ tables (7′ x 3’6”) are considered ‘bar’ size.

Size of Room

The size of your room is an important factor to consider when choosing between a 7ft and 8ft pool table. If you’re limited on space, a 7ft table may be the best choice for you. It’s important to remember that you need to leave at least 5 feet of open space around the pool table for comfortable play. An 8ft table requires a minimum of 10 feet of open space. If you don’t have the room for an 8ft table, you should opt for the smaller 7ft table.

Type of Play

The type of play you’re looking for will also influence your choice between a 7ft and 8ft pool table. If you’re looking for a more professional game, the 8ft table is the way to go. The larger size provides a more accurate playing surface and allows for more precise shots. On the other hand, if you’re looking for a more relaxed game, a 7ft table may be better suited to your needs. The smaller size makes it easier to set up shots and can be more forgiving of mistakes.


The price of a 7ft and 8ft pool table will vary depending on the quality of the table and the type of materials used. Generally speaking, 8ft tables tend to be more expensive than 7ft tables. However, the difference in price may be worth it if you’re looking for a more professional game.

When it comes to choosing between a 7ft and 8ft pool table, there is no single right answer. Most pool table buyers will opt for the larger size if they have the space available, as the larger table provides a better playing experience. However, if you’re limited on space or looking for a more casual game, a 7ft table may be the better choice. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your needs and preferences.

Will a 7 foot pool table fit my room?

When it comes to choosing the right size pool table for your home, one of the most important considerations is whether or not it will fit in your room. A 7 foot pool table is a popular size for many homes, but before you make your purchase, it’s important to understand the minimum room size requirements for each table size.

Minimum Room Size for a 7 Foot Pool Table

A 7 foot pool table requires a minimum room size of 13 x 16 feet (156″ x 192″). This size room is large enough to accommodate the table and provide enough space around it for comfortable play. To ensure an optimal playing experience, you should also consider adding an additional 3 feet of space around the table. This will give players enough room to move around the table and make shots without crowding each other.

Minimum Room Size for an 8 Foot Pool Table

An 8 foot pool table requires a minimum room size of 13.6 x 17 feet (162″ x 204″). This size room is large enough to accommodate the table and provide enough space around it for comfortable play. To ensure an optimal playing experience, you should also consider adding an additional 3 feet of space around the table. This will give players enough room to move around the table and make shots without crowding each other.

Minimum Room Size for an Oversize 8 Foot Pool Table

An oversize 8 foot pool table requires a minimum room size of 13.6 x 17.6 feet (162″ x 210″). This size room is large enough to accommodate the table and provide enough space around it for comfortable play. To ensure an optimal playing experience, you should also consider adding an additional 3 feet of space around the table. This will give players enough room to move around the table and make shots without crowding each other.

Other Factors to Consider

In addition to the minimum room size requirements for each table size, there are a few other things to consider when determining if a 7 foot pool table will fit in your room. First, consider the size of your cue. Standard cues are 58” long, but if you plan on using a longer cue, you will need to make sure there is enough space for it. Additionally, you should also consider the size of any furniture that may be in the room, as well as any obstacles such as doorways or windows.

If you’re considering purchasing a 7 foot pool table for your home, it’s important to make sure you have enough room for it. The minimum room size for a 7 foot pool table is 13 x 16 feet (156″ x 192″). For an 8 foot table, you’ll need a minimum room size of 13.6 x 17 feet (162″ x 204″), and for an oversize 8 foot table, you’ll need a minimum room size of 13.6 x 17.6 feet (162″ x 210″). Additionally, you should also consider the size of your cue, any furniture in the room, and any obstacles such as doorways or windows. With the right considerations, you can ensure your 7 foot pool table fits perfectly in your room.

What size pool table is best for home?

Are you looking for the perfect pool table for your home? While there are many sizes to choose from, it’s important to consider which size is the best fit for your space and the type of play you’re looking for.

When it comes to pool tables, the most popular size for home use is 8’ x 4’. This size is known as a “regulation” or “standard” size table, and is the size used in professional tournaments. It’s ideal for home use because it’s large enough to accommodate two to four players comfortably and provides plenty of room for shooting.

What is the Standard Cue Length?

The standard cue length for a regulation size table is 58”. This is the length of cue that will give you the best possible playing experience. It’s long enough to reach all parts of the table and short enough to give you good control over the cue ball and your shots.

What other Pool Table Sizes are Available?

If you don’t have enough space for a full-size 8’ x 4’ table, there are several other sizes available. The most common are 7’ x 3’ and 6’ x 3’. These sizes are generally referred to as “bar” tables because they are the size most commonly found in pubs and bars.

These tables are great for smaller spaces, but they do have some drawbacks. The shorter cue length of 52” can make it more difficult to reach all parts of the table, and the smaller size can make it difficult for more than two people to play at the same time.

What About Mini Pool Tables?

If you’re looking for a pool table for a child’s room or a small apartment, you can also find mini pool tables. These are usually about half the size of a full-size table, or about 4’ x 2’. They have a shorter cue length of 48” and can only accommodate one or two players at a time.

These tables are great for beginners or children, but they can be difficult to play on for more experienced players. If you’re looking for a pool table that can be used by both adults and children, you may want to consider a mid-size table.

What is the Best Size Pool Table for Home Use?

Ultimately, the best size pool table for home use is the 8’ x 4’ regulation size table. This size provides plenty of room for two to four players, and the standard 58” cue length provides the best possible playing experience.

If you don’t have enough space for a full-size table, you can consider a 7’ x 3’ or 6’ x 3’ bar table. These tables are great for smaller spaces, but the shorter cue length can make it more difficult to reach all parts of the table.

Finally, if you’re looking for a pool table for a child’s room or a small apartment, you can consider a mini pool table. These tables are great for beginners or children, but they can be difficult to play on for more experienced players.

No matter what size pool table you choose, it’s important to make sure it’s the right size for your space and your type of play. The right size table will ensure you have the best possible playing experience.

Are pub pool tables 6ft or 7ft?

When it comes to pool tables, there are two main sizes that are commonly used in pubs and clubs – 6ft and 7ft. But what is the difference between the two, and which one is the best fit for your home?

The Difference Between 6ft and 7ft Pool Tables

The size of a pool table typically refers to the length of the playing surface. A 7ft table typically measures approximately 7ft x 4ft, while a 6ft table is closer to 6ft x 3ft. These are very approximate dimensions, and each table will vary slightly depending on the cabinet style.

It’s important to note that the playing surface is not the only factor when it comes to the size of the table. The size of the legs, the pockets, and the cushion rails will also vary depending on the size of the table.

Which Pool Table Size Should You Choose?

Choosing the right size of pool table for your home depends on your individual needs and preferences. If you have a smaller space, or if you’re looking for a table that is easier to move around, then a 6ft table would be the best option. However, if you have a larger room, or if you’re looking for a more professional playing experience, then a 7ft table would be the better choice.

Benefits of a 6ft Pool Table

6ft pool tables are the most popular size for home use, as they are smaller, lighter and easier to move around. They also require less space, so they can fit into smaller rooms or even garages. 6ft tables are also perfect for kids, as they are easier to play on and will help them develop their skills.

Benefits of a 7ft Pool Table

7ft pool tables are the standard size for professional play and they provide a much more realistic playing experience. They are larger and heavier than 6ft tables, so they require more space and they are more difficult to move around. However, they are great for adults who are serious about their game, as they provide a more authentic feel.

When it comes to choosing the right size of pool table for your home, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. 6ft tables are perfect for kids and smaller spaces, while 7ft tables are ideal for adults and more serious players. Ultimately, it all comes down to your individual needs and preferences.

How big is a 8 foot pool table?

Pool tables come in a variety of sizes, but the most popular size is 8 feet long. Knowing the size of an 8-foot pool table is important when you’re trying to determine the best size for your space. Pool tables are large and take up a lot of room, so it’s important to measure the area you plan to install it in before you make a purchase.

What are the standard dimensions of an 8 foot pool table?

The standard dimensions of an 8-foot pool table are 44 inches wide by 88 inches long. This size is the most common for use in residential homes and is the standard size used in many pool tournaments. A pro 8-foot table will measure 46 inches wide by 92 inches long. For comparison, a 9-foot table will measure 50 inches wide by 100 inches long.

How much space do I need for an 8 foot pool table?

When it comes to pool tables, size does matter. You’ll need to make sure you have enough room for players to move around the table and take their shots. The general rule of thumb is that you should have at least 6 feet of clearance on all sides of the table. This means you’ll need an area that’s at least 10 feet by 14 feet to accommodate an 8-foot table.

What other items do I need to consider when buying an 8 foot pool table?

In addition to the size of the table, you’ll also need to consider the type of table you want. There are three main types of pool tables: slate, plastic, and laminate. Slate tables are the most popular and are considered to be the highest quality. They’re also the most expensive, but they’re also the most durable and provide the best playing surface. Plastic and laminate tables are less expensive, but they don’t provide the same level of playability as a slate table.

What are the benefits of owning an 8 foot pool table?

Owning an 8-foot pool table comes with a number of benefits. It’s the perfect size for entertaining a group of friends or family and it’s the standard size used in professional tournaments. An 8-foot table also provides plenty of space for players to move around the table and take their shots. Plus, it’s a great way to get everyone together for some friendly competition.

Overall, an 8-foot pool table is the perfect size for any home. It’s large enough to accommodate a group of players and provide plenty of space for them to move around the table. Plus, it’s the standard size used in professional tournaments, so you can be sure you’re getting the best playing experience. Measure your space carefully before you make a purchase, and you’ll be sure to have a great time playing on your 8-foot pool table.

What size ball do I need for a 7 foot pool table?

Pool is a classic game that is enjoyed by people of all ages. You may have a pool table in your home, or you may be looking to purchase one. If you are looking to purchase a 7 foot pool table, you may be wondering what size ball you need for it. The answer is 2 inch balls.

Why do 7 foot pool tables use 2 inch balls?

Two inch balls are the standard size for 7 foot pool tables. This is because the larger two inch balls allow for more accuracy. The larger balls make it easier to aim and to make shots. The size of the ball also helps to ensure that the ball will not get stuck in the pockets of the pool table.

What size balls are used for 6 foot tables?

Six foot pool tables usually use 1 & 7/8 inch balls. This is because the smaller balls are better suited for the smaller table. The smaller balls are more maneuverable and allow for more precision. The smaller size also helps to ensure that the balls do not get stuck in the pockets of the pool table.

Are there any other considerations when purchasing a pool table?

When purchasing a pool table, there are a few other considerations that you should keep in mind. You should be aware of the type of felt that is used on the table. Some tables use a faster felt, which is better suited for speedier play. You should also be aware of the size of the pockets on the table. Smaller pockets can make it more difficult to make shots, while larger pockets can make shots easier.

What other accessories do I need for my pool table?

In addition to the balls, you will also need some other accessories for your pool table. You will need a set of pool cues, which come in various sizes and weights. You will also need a triangle rack, which is used to rack the balls for a game. You may also want to purchase a brush to clean the felt on the table. Other accessories that may be useful include chalk, cue tips, and a pool table cover.

When purchasing a 7 foot pool table, you will need to purchase 2 inch balls. This size of ball is the standard size for 7 foot tables and allows for more accuracy when making shots. For 6 foot tables, you will need 1 & 7/8 inch balls. When purchasing a pool table, you should also be aware of the type of felt used on the table, the size of the pockets, and the other accessories that you may need.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, both 7ft and 8ft pool tables offer a great game experience, but the 8ft table is the preferred size for professional players. 8ft tables offer a greater playing area, a more realistic ball rebound and more accurate shooting angles. It’s also more comfortable for two players to enjoy a game of pool together. Ultimately, your decision should be based on your budget, available space and personal preference. Whichever size you choose, you can rest assured that you’ll have hours of fun with your new pool table!


What size are most pub pool tables?

It still had a large enough playing surface to provide an enjoyable game. Still, to this day, the majority of pubs have a 7ft table, but the 6ft is growing in popularity.

What is better 1 piece or 3 piece slate pool table?

A three-piece slate, leveled properly, will without a doubt give you superior play. This is why the pros prefer to shoot on a three-piece slate pool table as opposed to a one-piece. I’d recommend a three-piece slate over one solid slate if given the choice.

What size room is needed for a 7ft pool table?

7 foot table – 13 x 16 feet minimum room size (156″ x 192″) 8 foot table – 13.6 x 17 feet minimum room size (162″ x 204″)

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