Why Aren’t Beards Not Allowable in Wrestling?Beards have been a part of men’s fashion for centuries, and many men enjoy growing and maintaining them. So why is it that beards are not allowed in wrestling? This is a question that has been asked by many wrestlers and wrestling fans alike. The answer lies in the rules of the sport, which dictate that all competitors must be clean-shaven before they enter the ring. The reasoning is that short stubble may irritate an opponent’s skin and could give a wrestler an unfair advantage. Moreover, competitors are forbidden from applying any greasy or sticky substance to their bodies, and this includes perspiring when arriving on the mat. Each wrestler is also required to carry a handkerchief at all times. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why beards are not allowed in wrestling and look at some of the implications of this rule. We will also examine some of the exceptions to this rule and why some wrestlers are allowed to have facial hair during matches. So if you’re curious about why beards aren’t allowed in wrestling, then keep reading for more information.

why are beards not allowed in wrestling?

Wrestling is a highly competitive sport requiring strength, skill, and agility. As such, there are many rules and regulations meant to ensure a fair fight. One of these regulations is the ban on facial hair, including beards.

What Is The Reason Behind This Ban?

The main reason for prohibiting beards in wrestling is that facial hair can present a safety hazard. Short stubble may irritate an opponent’s skin, which can lead to scratches and other injuries. Competitors are also forbidden from applying any greasy or sticky substance to their bodies, and this includes perspiring when arriving on the mat. Each wrestler is also required to carry a handkerchief at all times.

Other Reasons For The Ban On Beards

In addition to the safety concerns, there are other reasons why beards are not allowed in wrestling. Beards can interfere with a wrestler’s ability to breathe properly, especially when a competitor is in a hold or facing an opponent in a clinch. Beards can also obscure a wrestler’s vision, making it difficult to judge distance and read their opponent’s movements.

How Are Beards Monitored?

At the start of every match, referees inspect the wrestlers to make sure they are in compliance with the rules. This includes checking for facial hair. If a wrestler is found to have a beard, they will be asked to shave it off before the match can continue.

Are There Any Exceptions To The Rule?

There are some exceptions to the rule. Wrestlers with religious convictions that require them to wear a beard are exempt from this rule. Additionally, wrestlers who have had facial surgery may be allowed to wear a beard, provided they have a doctor’s note.

Beards may be fashionable and trendy, but they are not allowed in wrestling. The ban on facial hair is in place to protect the health and safety of the wrestlers and to ensure a level playing field. Referees closely monitor wrestlers for compliance before each match and have the authority to ask a wrestler to shave if they are found to have a beard. There are some exceptions to this rule, but for the most part, beards are not allowed in wrestling.

What sport does not allow beards?

Beards have become a staple in sports culture, from the NFL to the NBA and even in boxing, where beards are often seen as a sign of strength and power. But what sport does not allow beards? The answer is Amateur Boxing.

Why is Amateur Boxing Different?

Amateur Boxing is different from other sports in that the rules are much stricter. This is because the sport is heavily regulated by the International Boxing Association (AIBA). As part of the AIBA’s regulations, they have a rule that states that all boxers must be clean-shaved before any medical examinations are carried out on any bout in the Amateurs. It’s a clear rule that states that beards and moustaches are not allowed. If a boxer violates this rule, then they can’t enter the tournament.

Why is the Rule in Place?

The rule is in place to ensure the safety of all boxers. Beards and moustaches can hide facial injuries and cuts that have occurred during a fight. This means that medical staff may not be able to properly assess the condition of a boxer and determine whether or not they are fit to continue fighting. By having all boxers clean-shaven, it makes it easier for medical staff to accurately assess any injuries that may have been sustained.

What About Professional Boxing?

Professional boxing does not have the same rule, so boxers are allowed to have beards and moustaches. The reason for this is because professional boxing is a much more established sport, with stricter regulations and more experienced medical staff. They are better equipped to assess any potential injuries, even if a boxer has a beard or moustache.

What Other Sports Do Not Allow Beards?

Aside from Amateur Boxing, there are a few other sports that do not allow beards. These include professional wrestling, where wrestlers must be completely clean-shaven, and some Olympic sports, such as swimming, where beards are not allowed.

Beards have become a popular style in sports, but there are still some sports that do not allow them. Amateur Boxing is one of these sports, with a strict rule that all boxers must be clean-shaven before any medical examinations are carried out. This rule is in place to ensure the safety of all boxers and to make it easier for medical staff to accurately assess any potential injuries. Professional Boxing does not have this rule, as they have more experienced medical staff and stricter regulations. Aside from Amateur Boxing, there are a few other sports that do not allow beards, such as professional wrestling and some Olympic sports.

What sports dont allow facial hair?

Facial hair has long been a source of debate in sports, with some teams and leagues enforcing strict policies on players’ grooming habits. While some sports have embraced the trend of facial hair, others have banned it altogether. So, which sports don’t allow facial hair?


Baseball has, historically, been one of the most stringent sports when it comes to facial hair. As far back as 1976, the New York Yankees of Major League Baseball (MLB) have maintained a strict appearance policy, specifying that players’ hair must not touch their collars and that they may have mustaches but no other facial hair. This policy was adopted by most other MLB teams and has been in place ever since.


The National Basketball Association (NBA) also has a strict policy on facial hair, although it is not as strict as the policy of MLB teams. The NBA’s policy states that players are not allowed to have facial hair that is longer than 2 inches, or any facial hair that is considered to be a distraction. This means that players are not allowed to dye their beards or have designs shaved into them.


The National Hockey League (NHL) is one of the few major sports leagues that does not have a strict policy on facial hair. The NHL does not have any rules against facial hair, although it does recommend that players keep their facial hair neat and groomed. The NHL also recommends that players shave before games to reduce the risk of skin infections.


Golf is another sport that has traditionally had a strict policy on facial hair. The Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews (R&A), the governing body of golf, specifies that players must be clean-shaven while competing. The R&A’s policy also states that players must not have any visible facial hair, such as beards or moustaches.


The International Tennis Federation (ITF) also has a strict policy on facial hair. The ITF’s policy states that players must not have any facial hair that is visible during a match. This means that players must be clean-shaven while competing, although they are allowed to have a moustache or beard as long as it is not visible.

Facial hair is a source of debate in sports, with some teams and leagues banning it altogether. Baseball, basketball, golf, and tennis all have strict policies on facial hair, with players being required to be clean-shaven while competing. The National Hockey League (NHL) is one of the few major sports leagues that does not have a strict policy on facial hair, although they do recommend that players keep their facial hair neat and groomed. Ultimately, it is up to each individual sports league and team to decide what is and is not allowed in terms of facial hair.

Does a beard soften a punch?

Facial hair may offer men more than just a stylistic choice, according to a new study, which suggests beards evolved to soften the impact of a punch and protect the jaw from harm.

The research, conducted by a team of experts at the University of Queensland, Australia, found that facial hair acts as a shock absorber, dissipating the force of a punch, and potentially reducing the risk of injury to the jaw.

This discovery could explain why beards and mustaches have been popular among men throughout history.

The Study

The study, published in the journal Biology Letters, investigated the effects of facial hair on the force of a punch.

To do this, the team recruited a group of male and female participants, some with facial hair, and some without.

The participants were then asked to punch a force-measuring device, while the researchers measured the force of the punch.

The results revealed that men with facial hair experienced a significant reduction in the force of their punch, compared to those without facial hair.

The Evolutionary Advantage of Facial Hair

The findings suggest that facial hair has an evolutionary advantage, by protecting the jaw from the impact of a punch.

This could explain why, throughout history, facial hair has been a popular choice for men, regardless of style or fashion.

The research also suggests that facial hair may have a protective role in other sports, such as boxing and martial arts, where facial injuries are common.

Beards for Protection

The findings of the study show that facial hair can act as a ‘shock absorber’, reducing the force of a punch and potentially reducing the risk of injury to the jaw.

This could explain why beards and mustaches have been popular among men throughout history, not just as a fashion statement, but as a form of protection.

So, the next time you’re considering growing a beard, remember that it could be more than just a style choice – it could be a way to protect your face from harm.

What sport has the most beards?

When it comes to facial hair, one sport stands out above the rest – hockey. From the classic handlebar mustache to the iconic playoff beard, hockey players are renowned for their impressive displays of facial hair. But why is hockey the sport with the most beards?

The History of Hockey and Beards

The history of hockey and beards goes back to the early days of the sport. In the late 19th century, the first professional hockey teams were formed. At the time, most players sported thick, bushy beards, which were seen as a sign of strength and toughness. This trend continued for decades, and by the 1970s, beards had become a staple of the hockey look.

The Playoff Beard

The most iconic form of facial hair in hockey is the playoff beard. This tradition dates back to the 1980s, when the New York Islanders began growing their beards during the playoffs. The idea quickly caught on, and soon players from other teams were growing their own playoff beards. Today, the playoff beard is a symbol of unity and determination, and it’s become an essential part of the hockey experience.

The Long-Standing Tradition

Beards have been a part of hockey for over a century, and they show no signs of going away anytime soon. Players continue to grow their beards during the playoffs, and fans continue to cheer them on. From the iconic handlebar mustache to the legendary playoff beard, hockey players have embraced facial hair in a way that no other sport can match.

The Reason Why

So why is hockey the sport with the most beards? There are a few reasons. First, the long-standing tradition of facial hair in hockey has been passed down from generation to generation. Second, the playoff beard is a symbol of unity and determination, and it’s embraced by players and fans alike. Finally, the cold temperatures in hockey arenas make it the perfect environment for beards to thrive.

At the end of the day, hockey is the sport with the most beards. From the classic handlebar mustache to the iconic playoff beard, hockey players have embraced facial hair in a way that no other sport can match. It’s a tradition that’s been passed down from generation to generation, and it’s sure to continue for years to come. So next time you’re watching a hockey game, take a moment to appreciate the impressive beards on display.

What religion is against shaving your beard?

Many religions, including Sikhism, Islam, and sects of Judaism, require that men and women do not cut their hair or that men do not shave their beards. This is because some of these religions view hair as an important symbol of their faith. Each religion has different reasons for their beliefs, but all of them believe that cutting or shaving one’s hair is a sign of disrespect to their god.


Sikhs believe that hair is a sign of spiritual strength and beauty. The founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, is said to have declared that “letting your hair grow naturally is a sign of devotion to God.” To show their devotion to God and their faith, Sikhs leave their hair uncut and untrimmed. This includes the hair on their head, as well as their facial hair. Men are required to keep their beards uncut and untrimmed, and women are required to keep their hair covered with a turban or cloth.


In Islam, it is believed that hair is a sign of beauty and holiness. It is also said to be a sign of one’s connection to Allah. Therefore, men and women are required to keep their hair uncut and untrimmed. This includes the hair on their heads, as well as their facial hair. Men are not allowed to shave their beards, and women are not allowed to cut their hair.


In Judaism, hair is seen as a sign of one’s connection to God. Therefore, men and women are required to keep their hair uncut and untrimmed. This includes the hair on their heads, as well as their facial hair. Men are not allowed to shave their beards, and women are not allowed to cut their hair. In some sects of Judaism, such as the Hasidic and Haredi communities, men are also required to grow their beards long and untrimmed, and women are required to cover their hair with a headscarf or wig.

Many religions, including Sikhism, Islam, and some sects of Judaism, require that men and women do not cut their hair or that men do not shave their beards. This is because these religions view hair as an important symbol of their faith. Each religion has different reasons for their beliefs, but all of them believe that cutting or shaving one’s hair is a sign of disrespect to their god. Therefore, it is important to respect the beliefs of each religion when it comes to their views on hair and beards.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, wearing beards in wrestling is not permitted as it can be seen as an unfair advantage over opponents. It can also act as a safety hazard because of the possibility of skin irritation. Wrestlers must adhere to a strict code of conduct and abide by the rules set out by their governing body. Ultimately, the decision to not allow beards in wrestling is there to ensure the fairness, safety, and integrity of the sport. With the right preparation and training, anyone can become a successful wrestler, regardless of their facial hair.


How do wrestlers keep their facial hair off?

Cornrow braids keep every single hair out of your face. I love these braids but they do take longer to do so I usually do them the night before with a lot of gel to keep them in place. If your hair is too short to be braided you can use rubber bands to keep your little hairs out of the way.

Do wrestlers cut themselves with razors?

From July 2008 onward, due to its TV-PG rating, WWE has not allowed wrestlers to blade themselves. In most cases, any blood coming from the wrestlers is unintentional.

Is blood real in wrestling?

Many wrestling fans know that it’s not ketchup packets that a wrestler uses to bleed. It is real, bona fide blood that is seeping out of their cuts. Many say that blood is needless to use in the art of wrestling, as it poses great risks to the performers.

Do wrestlers still bleed?

In most cases, any blood coming from the wrestlers is unintentional. To maintain their TV-PG rating, when a wrestler bleeds on live television, WWE tends to attempt to stop the bleeding mid-match or use different camera angles to avoid showing excessive blood.

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